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Paper Exchange!

with 2 comments

I gave my partner a paper camera. Originally, I was planning to make a pinhole camera, however I did not have enough knowledge on it and it was too complicated. I ended up  creating a paper camera toy. I made it from board paper with one of her scenery photos printed on it, to make it more personalized. I noticed from her facebook that she was interested in photography. As I browsed through, I found her flickr account, which is where I found a lot of her photos. I found a really pretty scenery photo of a mountain, which is what I used on the paper camera. I was quite unsure about her reaction, I was thinking that maybe if she really liked photography then she already probably knows how to make a pinhole camera and my creation would probably be not as impressive. Although I did put effort to it, it was awkward for me to show it to her. Lol. I’m pretty glad that her reaction was pretty positive, although she did confirm that she made a pinhole camera for photography class before, and she knew that it was really really hard to make. So I guess that she appreciated it a bit more than I thought she would.

Written by kylleses

February 16, 2011 at 7:16 am

2 Responses

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  2. That’s really cute!

    Navdeep Sahota

    February 17, 2011 at 3:37 pm